DD ORGANIC FOOD LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership Company which identification number is ABA-9252 and it was registered on 05-MAY-2022 in Haryana state with 100000 obligation of contribution.
The DD ORGANIC FOOD LLP is registered with 2 partners and 0 designated partners and 46 is the basic business activity of this LLP firm. Officially registered address of DD ORGANIC FOOD LLP is 39, Ground Floor Choudhary house Colony Karnal Karnal Haryana-132001
The DD ORGANIC FOOD LLP is incorporated on 05-MAY-2022
The DD ORGANIC FOOD LLP has been registered in Trading Class
DD ORGANIC FOOD LLP is registerd for doing Trading Activities works.
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05-MAY-2022 | T-5/602, M3M Merlin, Sector-67, Basai Road Gurgaon Haryana-122001
ABHILASHA RETAILS INDIA LLP is a Trading company which was incorporated on 05-MAY-2022. You can see here all details about ABHILASHA RETAILS INDIA LLP company
05-MAY-2022 | HOUSE NO 2414 SECTOR 8 Ballabgarh Faridabad Haryana-121006
ARKAMY FOODS LLP is a Transport, storage and Communications company which was incorporated on 05-MAY-2022. You can see here all details about ARKAMY FOODS LLP company
05-MAY-2022 | HOUSE NO. 244-A, SECTOR -4 MANSA DEVI COMPLEX Panchkula Panchkula Haryana-134114
AGGILER DIGITAL MARKETING SERVICES LLP is a Community, personal & Social Services company which was incorporated on 05-MAY-2022. You can see here all details about AGGILER DIGITAL MARKETING SERVICES LLP company
05-MAY-2022 | Galaxy CGHS, House No- F/14 Plot No-3, Sec-43 Dlf Qe Gurgaon Haryana-122002
BSM MARINE LLP is a Transport, storage and Communications company which was incorporated on 05-MAY-2022. You can see here all details about BSM MARINE LLP company
05-MAY-2022 | 39/A/2, SHASTRY COLONY, AMBALA CANTT Ambala Ambala Haryana-133001
WEORG SUSTAINABLE FOOTWEAR LLP is a Trading company which was incorporated on 05-MAY-2022. You can see here all details about WEORG SUSTAINABLE FOOTWEAR LLP company
05-MAY-2022 | P NO.7/8 SECTOR-34 Basai Road Gurgaon Haryana-122001
PRITAN INDUSTRIES LLP is a Trading company which was incorporated on 05-MAY-2022. You can see here all details about PRITAN INDUSTRIES LLP company
05-MAY-2022 | 39, Ground Floor Choudhary house Colony Karnal Karnal Haryana-132001
DD ORGANIC FOOD LLP is a Trading company which was incorporated on 05-MAY-2022. You can see here all details about DD ORGANIC FOOD LLP company
05-MAY-2022 | 152 OMAXE WORLD STEET SECTOR 79 Faridabad Faridabad Haryana-121002
COLOR ME JEWELS LLP is a Trading company which was incorporated on 05-MAY-2022. You can see here all details about COLOR ME JEWELS LLP company