KANPUR HOSPITALITY LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership Company which identification number is ABA-0822 and it was registered on 31-12-2021 in Uttar Pradesh state with 2000000.00 obligation of contribution.
The KANPUR HOSPITALITY LLP is registered with 4 partners and 0 designated partners and 55 is the basic business activity of this LLP firm. Officially registered address of KANPUR HOSPITALITY LLP is 7/178, A 1SWAROOP NAGAR
The KANPUR HOSPITALITY LLP is incorporated on 31-12-2021
The KANPUR HOSPITALITY LLP has been registered in Trading Class
KANPUR HOSPITALITY LLP is registerd for doing Trading Activities works.
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31-12-2021 | NO: 1753, SEC 29,GAUTAM BUDH NAGAR
GIAURA CAFE LLP is a Trading company which was incorporated on 31-12-2021. You can see here all details about GIAURA CAFE LLP company
31-12-2021 | A601, ORCHIDS H 1KAUSHAMBI
PROFESSIONAL EDGE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLP is a Business Services company which was incorporated on 31-12-2021. You can see here all details about PROFESSIONAL EDGE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLP company
31-12-2021 | 7/178, A 1SWAROOP NAGAR
KANPUR HOSPITALITY LLP is a Trading company which was incorporated on 31-12-2021. You can see here all details about KANPUR HOSPITALITY LLP company