FIRMUS TRADING LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership Company which identification number is AAV-3175 and it was registered on 01-01-2021 in Delhi state with 20000.00 obligation of contribution.
The FIRMUS TRADING LLP is registered with 2 partners and 0 designated partners and 31 is the basic business activity of this LLP firm. Officially registered address of FIRMUS TRADING LLP is 4844/24 ANSARI ROAD DARYAGANJ
The FIRMUS TRADING LLP is incorporated on 01-01-2021
The FIRMUS TRADING LLP has been registered in Manufacturing (Machinery & Equipments) Class
FIRMUS TRADING LLP is registerd for doing Manufacturing (Machinery & Equipments) Activities works.
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01-01-2021 | G 32Ground Floor, Sarita Vihar
JAIPURE FRESH LLP is a Manufacturing (Food stuffs) company which was incorporated on 01-01-2021. You can see here all details about JAIPURE FRESH LLP company
01-01-2021 | 4844/24 ANSARI ROAD DARYAGANJ
FIRMUS TRADING LLP is a Manufacturing (Machinery & Equipments) company which was incorporated on 01-01-2021. You can see here all details about FIRMUS TRADING LLP company