IDEAMASTERS SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED is a Non govt Company, Business Services Activities based, Company Limited By Shares Company and it was enrolled (incorporated) on 22-04-2022 with ₹ 100000 authorized capital and ₹ 10000 paid up capital.
The CIN (Corporate Identification Number) of IDEAMASTERS SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED is U74999HR2022PTC103046 that is categorized as Company Limited By Shares and sub categorized as Private company and it was registered in Haryana state and at present the company status is Active.
Registered office address of IDEAMASTERS SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED is H.NO-944 BLOCK C,SUSHANT LOK 1 and RoC-Delhi is the registrar of this company.The latest annual return of IDEAMASTERS SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED was Not Available and latest financial statement year was Not Available.
The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of IDEAMASTERS SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED is U74999HR2022PTC103046
The IDEAMASTERS SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED is incorporated on 22-04-2022.
The IDEAMASTERS SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED has been registered in Private Class
IDEAMASTERS SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED is registerd for doing Business Services Activities works.
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22-04-2022 | H.NO-944 BLOCK C,SUSHANT LOK 1
IDEAMASTERS SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about IDEAMASTERS SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED company
BROADBEST NETWORK PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about BROADBEST NETWORK PRIVATE LIMITED company
22-04-2022 | C/o Kamla DeviSonipat
MODERN UNIQUE SECURITY SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about MODERN UNIQUE SECURITY SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED company
ECONIAN ENGINEERS PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about ECONIAN ENGINEERS PRIVATE LIMITED company
22-04-2022 | Flat No. 4A, Building No. 9,The Hibiscus, Sector-50
NIDE INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about NIDE INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED company
22-04-2022 | H.No. 678, Sector-16A
STARSHINE GROWTH PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about STARSHINE GROWTH PRIVATE LIMITED company
22-04-2022 | 15-N KHANPUR KHURD
UNTOUCHDESTINATION PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about UNTOUCHDESTINATION PRIVATE LIMITED company
TECHTRONIC REFRIGERATION PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about TECHTRONIC REFRIGERATION PRIVATE LIMITED company
22-04-2022 | C6-306, Power Welfare Organisation,Opposite HUDA City Center, Sector- 43
XAGON INFOTECH PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about XAGON INFOTECH PRIVATE LIMITED company
22-04-2022 | HOUSE NO 1378GALI NO 23, WARD NO 15, SURYA NAGAR
RSBP HARDWARE (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about RSBP HARDWARE (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED company
SCOTCHTAP SPIRITS PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about SCOTCHTAP SPIRITS PRIVATE LIMITED company
22-04-2022 | P No. 68/7, PNO - 68, Sector - 7IMT
UTLRA EMERGING AUTOMATION PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about UTLRA EMERGING AUTOMATION PRIVATE LIMITED company
22-04-2022 | DSS-378SECTOR 16-17
JRR HIGHWAYS PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about JRR HIGHWAYS PRIVATE LIMITED company
22-04-2022 | E-206, Tower -E, Emerald Heights,sector -88, Kheri Kalan (113), Faridabad
COGNITHRIVE SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about COGNITHRIVE SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED company
22-04-2022 | 1315, Sector 43,
CONEST FLEET SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about CONEST FLEET SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED company
22-04-2022 | D-11/9, 2nd Floor, Ardee City
GOSAMPLIFY SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about GOSAMPLIFY SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED company
22-04-2022 | SHOP NO 17AANAJ MANDI
WEABIDE IMMIGRATION SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about WEABIDE IMMIGRATION SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED company
22-04-2022 | PLOT No. 1849, SECTOR 28,
JAIWIN KPO PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about JAIWIN KPO PRIVATE LIMITED company
22-04-2022 | 1884, SECTOR 12 NEAR TRUCK UNION
BLISS REAL PROPERTY PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about BLISS REAL PROPERTY PRIVATE LIMITED company
22-04-2022 | 361, SEC-14
ERO CREATIONS PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about ERO CREATIONS PRIVATE LIMITED company
22-04-2022 | 436 C, Spaze Itech Park,Block B, Sohna Road
PARTNER 2 SIMPLIFY PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about PARTNER 2 SIMPLIFY PRIVATE LIMITED company
22-04-2022 | 2993, Sec 23
PROPCHAIN TECHNOLOGY PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about PROPCHAIN TECHNOLOGY PRIVATE LIMITED company
22-04-2022 | Plot No 12, Road No 5,DLF Phase, II Village Sarhaul
ELITE PRO INFRA PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about ELITE PRO INFRA PRIVATE LIMITED company
22-04-2022 | SHOP NO. 292SECTOR 21 ROAD, MAHESHPUR
CUREYOU PHARMACEUTICALS PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about CUREYOU PHARMACEUTICALS PRIVATE LIMITED company
22-04-2022 | Khewat No 398, Khtoni No 443Near New Bypass, Kaithal Road, Ahirka
HNAIN PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about HNAIN PRIVATE LIMITED company
22-04-2022 | 1593DABUA COLONY
CHAND GEMS AND JEWELLERY PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about CHAND GEMS AND JEWELLERY PRIVATE LIMITED company
22-04-2022 | Flat No. 202, Block - A, Mahindra AuraNew Palam Vihar Phase, Sector 110
SOCIOVERSE TECH PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about SOCIOVERSE TECH PRIVATE LIMITED company
22-04-2022 | C/o Kapoor Singh, Village KalsiTehsil Nilokheri
SSR FEED & FOODS PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 22-04-2022. You can see here all details about SSR FEED & FOODS PRIVATE LIMITED company