AVSARINDIA PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED is a Non-govt company, Real Estate and Renting Activities based, Company limited by Shares Company and it was enrolled (incorporated) on 20-02-2021 with ₹ 1000000.00 authorized capital and ₹ 100000.00 paid up capital.
The CIN (Corporate Identification Number) of AVSARINDIA PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED is U70109UP2021PTC142189 that is categorized as Company limited by Shares and sub categorized as Private company and it was registered in UP state and at present the company status is Active.
Registered office address of AVSARINDIA PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED is office No 207 Felix SquareSushnat Golf City and RoC-Kanpur is the registrar of this company.The latest annual return of AVSARINDIA PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED was Not Available and latest financial statement year was Not Available.
The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of AVSARINDIA PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED is U70109UP2021PTC142189
The AVSARINDIA PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED is incorporated on 20-02-2021.
The AVSARINDIA PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED has been registered in Private Class
AVSARINDIA PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED is registerd for doing Real Estate and Renting Activities works.
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SAMVARDHAN INDIA NIDHI LIMITED is a Public company which was incorporated on 20-02-2021. You can see here all details about SAMVARDHAN INDIA NIDHI LIMITED company
GET BEST DEVELOPMENT PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 20-02-2021. You can see here all details about GET BEST DEVELOPMENT PRIVATE LIMITED company
20-02-2021 | C/O NIRAJ KUMAR, F-63, Green ParkVillage -Dibdiba, Tehsil - Bilaspur
NAV UDAY INTEGRATED FARMING PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 20-02-2021. You can see here all details about NAV UDAY INTEGRATED FARMING PRIVATE LIMITED company
20-02-2021 | office No 207 Felix SquareSushnat Golf City
AVSARINDIA PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 20-02-2021. You can see here all details about AVSARINDIA PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED company
20-02-2021 | C/O AHMAD RAZAMohalla - Chouhanan
RAZA NUTRITION PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 20-02-2021. You can see here all details about RAZA NUTRITION PRIVATE LIMITED company
NEXONRESEARCH PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 20-02-2021. You can see here all details about NEXONRESEARCH PRIVATE LIMITED company
G MOBI (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private(One Person Company) company which was incorporated on 20-02-2021. You can see here all details about G MOBI (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED company
20-02-2021 | 42, KARSAR BACHAPAR
PANDIT BAIJNATH DIXIT FARMER PRODUCER COMPANY LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 20-02-2021. You can see here all details about PANDIT BAIJNATH DIXIT FARMER PRODUCER COMPANY LIMITED company
20-02-2021 | B 149Sector 63,
TRI STAR SPORTS PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 20-02-2021. You can see here all details about TRI STAR SPORTS PRIVATE LIMITED company
20-02-2021 | D-904, 9Th Floor Tower-D, CivitechStadia, Sector-79, Noida
4YAARTECH PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 20-02-2021. You can see here all details about 4YAARTECH PRIVATE LIMITED company
RUMINATIVE STAFFING SOLUTION PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 20-02-2021. You can see here all details about RUMINATIVE STAFFING SOLUTION PRIVATE LIMITED company
20-02-2021 | A-46, SECTOR 83NOIDA, UTTAR PRADESH
SHYAM CABLES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 20-02-2021. You can see here all details about SHYAM CABLES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED company
20-02-2021 | D-3/55 VIJAYANT KHAND
JAB INFRAVENURES PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 20-02-2021. You can see here all details about JAB INFRAVENURES PRIVATE LIMITED company