XPLORE IT INNOVATIONS PRIVATE LIMITED is a Non govt Company, Business Services Activities based, Company Limited By Shares Company and it was enrolled (incorporated) on 11-04-2022 with ₹ 500000 authorized capital and ₹ 100000 paid up capital.
The CIN (Corporate Identification Number) of XPLORE IT INNOVATIONS PRIVATE LIMITED is U72200TG2022PTC161482 that is categorized as Company Limited By Shares and sub categorized as Private company and it was registered in Telangana state and at present the company status is Active.
Registered office address of XPLORE IT INNOVATIONS PRIVATE LIMITED is Door No. 1-98/19/B, P.NO. 74A & 75Jaihind Enclave, Madhapur, Jubliee Hills and RoC-Hyderabad is the registrar of this company.The latest annual return of XPLORE IT INNOVATIONS PRIVATE LIMITED was Not Available and latest financial statement year was Not Available.
The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of XPLORE IT INNOVATIONS PRIVATE LIMITED is U72200TG2022PTC161482
The XPLORE IT INNOVATIONS PRIVATE LIMITED is incorporated on 11-04-2022.
The XPLORE IT INNOVATIONS PRIVATE LIMITED has been registered in Private Class
XPLORE IT INNOVATIONS PRIVATE LIMITED is registerd for doing Business Services Activities works.
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11-04-2022 | Plot No 62, Survey No 44/1, 2nd FloorR K Plaza, Matru Sri Nagar, Chandanagar
SINDHU FORMULATION PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about SINDHU FORMULATION PRIVATE LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | H.NO. 476, 478MAHABUBABAD, TOWN 2
MITHRAN GOLD PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about MITHRAN GOLD PRIVATE LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | P.No.24, HNo.1-98/9/24, Anunodaya ColonyCyber Hills Road, Madhapur, JublieeHills
NIRALEE TECHNOLOGIES (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private(One Person Company) company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about NIRALEE TECHNOLOGIES (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | H NO.2-10, Ellanthakunta
ELLANTHAKUNTA WOMEN FARMERS PRODUCER COMPANY LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about ELLANTHAKUNTA WOMEN FARMERS PRODUCER COMPANY LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | SY 88/P ,Hafeezpet,Lingampally
IT 365 INNOVATIONS PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about IT 365 INNOVATIONS PRIVATE LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | 1-10-237, ashok nagar
EKAM GURU PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about EKAM GURU PRIVATE LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | Plot No.70, Ganesh Nagar, JeedimetlaQutbullapoor
SONAK AGRITECH PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about SONAK AGRITECH PRIVATE LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | Flat No.27, 2nd Floor, Lilac Block,L&T Serene County, Telecom Nagar Colony,
YATA FARM FRESH PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about YATA FARM FRESH PRIVATE LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | Plot no.158, Doyens Township, Opp ALINDSerilingampally, Rangareddy
ZYMSTRATE PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about ZYMSTRATE PRIVATE LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | 2-2-3/345, TRT -336 TRT CALONYVIDAYA NAGAR
IISR FRIENDSHIP ASSOCIATION is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about IISR FRIENDSHIP ASSOCIATION company
11-04-2022 | Plot NO. 6, Khizra Enclave
MRQSOFT PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about MRQSOFT PRIVATE LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | 14-24/65/10, Laxmi Sai MeadowsBeeramguda, Ameenpur
GODA KRISHNA DEVELOPERS PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about GODA KRISHNA DEVELOPERS PRIVATE LIMITED company
PAVAMANA AUTOMOTIVES & TECH SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about PAVAMANA AUTOMOTIVES & TECH SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | Plot No.10, Block No.38Autonagar, Vanastalipuram,
SRI LAKSHMI MANAS PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about SRI LAKSHMI MANAS PRIVATE LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | 3-119/2/J, IICT Colony, Road No - 7Boduppal
NETTOYER CORPORATE SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about NETTOYER CORPORATE SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | 1-5-431/1/140Lane No.10, Sri Ganesh Enclave, Old Alwal
MYDKA (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private(One Person Company) company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about MYDKA (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | 1-8-1/5, RAVINDER NAGAR,HABISGUDA,
UPWISE PROFESSIONALS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about UPWISE PROFESSIONALS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | Plot no.69, Road no.9Venkataramana Colony, Hasthinapuram
MEDACT PHARMACEUTICALS PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about MEDACT PHARMACEUTICALS PRIVATE LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | PlotNo 113 FlatNo. 101,10 By istaHomesSYN 43/P, Kavuri Hills, Guttala Begumpet
VLS GENERICS AND BIOSIMILARS PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about VLS GENERICS AND BIOSIMILARS PRIVATE LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | Flat No 301, Uma Krishna ResidencyDharmareddy Colony, Phase-II, Hydernagar
PAHARA ROCKS INFRA PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about PAHARA ROCKS INFRA PRIVATE LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | Plot No 142, Sri Venkateswara IndustrialEstate, IDA Bollaram
CHEM RESEARCH PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about CHEM RESEARCH PRIVATE LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | F.No.303, P.No.34,35, Sravanthy Enclave,Madinaguda, Chandanagar
LITEFIN SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about LITEFIN SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED company
EXACTITUDE MEP ENGINEERING SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about EXACTITUDE MEP ENGINEERING SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | 12-6-2/247, Ground FloorVivek Nagar, Kukatpally
JNR HEALTHCARE PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about JNR HEALTHCARE PRIVATE LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | Flat no 204,Sriven plaza apartmentsStreet no1 Gachibowli
QUAMBIANT CIVILDEN INFRA PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about QUAMBIANT CIVILDEN INFRA PRIVATE LIMITED company
VARIYOS TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about VARIYOS TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED company
NEEL ARORA HYGIENIC PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about NEEL ARORA HYGIENIC PRIVATE LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | S R T 268, SANATH NAGAR
TALENT BRAINZ TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about TALENT BRAINZ TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | H.NO 16-2-738/4/6/1/AGROUND FLOOR , G-1, EAST WEST RESIDENCY
EXTENSUIN RECRUITZ PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about EXTENSUIN RECRUITZ PRIVATE LIMITED company
11-04-2022 | 3-136/4/5, PLOT NO 742PRASHANTHI HILLS, MEERPET
SANATANA TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 11-04-2022. You can see here all details about SANATANA TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED company