MAHAYANA INDUSTRIES PRIVATE LIMITED is a Non-govt company, Manufacturing (Machinery & Equipments) Activities based, Company limited by Shares Company and it was enrolled (incorporated) on 26-02-2022 with ₹ 1000000.00 authorized capital and ₹ 100000.00 paid up capital.
The CIN (Corporate Identification Number) of MAHAYANA INDUSTRIES PRIVATE LIMITED is U29308CT2022PTC012834 that is categorized as Company limited by Shares and sub categorized as Private company and it was registered in Chattisgarh state and at present the company status is Active.
Registered office address of MAHAYANA INDUSTRIES PRIVATE LIMITED is C/o Shailendra Kumar Singh, Office No. 1Plot No.1, 14,15, Saket colony, Katulbod and RoC-Chhattisgarh is the registrar of this company.The latest annual return of MAHAYANA INDUSTRIES PRIVATE LIMITED was Not Available and latest financial statement year was Not Available.
The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of MAHAYANA INDUSTRIES PRIVATE LIMITED is U29308CT2022PTC012834
The MAHAYANA INDUSTRIES PRIVATE LIMITED is incorporated on 26-02-2022.
The MAHAYANA INDUSTRIES PRIVATE LIMITED has been registered in Private Class
MAHAYANA INDUSTRIES PRIVATE LIMITED is registerd for doing Manufacturing (Machinery & Equipments) Activities works.
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26-02-2022 | Gulmohar 601 Dm Vatika Kanchana RoadKhamardih Shankar Nagar
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26-02-2022 | 1st Floor, ALS-4, Opp. Bhagwan Mangalam,Telephone Exchange Road,
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26-02-2022 | C/o Shailendra Kumar Singh, Office No. 1Plot No.1, 14,15, Saket colony, Katulbod
MAHAYANA INDUSTRIES PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private company which was incorporated on 26-02-2022. You can see here all details about MAHAYANA INDUSTRIES PRIVATE LIMITED company